Dear ladies and gentlemen
The Iraqi phoenix poem in the time of hiding
Times have passed
like the immortal phoenix,
I wander between worlds, ages and my lives
I was a witness to spirits and ages
So times, ages and centuries passed...
And here we have reached, my beloved
the time of hiding.
When we have reached
a time when all growth stops.
And our children have never sung songs of defeat
We have reached a time when the newborn learns
to wail, not to cry.
And the groaning rises and rises
in all directions.
Phosphorus bombs and poisonous clusters...
like locusts from the sky.
on beautiful flowers...
Eliminate all spirits and splendor
All the magnificence. beloved no..
I do not know
the art of hiding at all.
And I have never and will never enter
hollow caves.
And I will never surrender
My launch...
Towards the sky. beloved I grieve...
Yes... I grieve
But without depression.
I cry and my tears and blood flow
But without bitterness.
I want it to be high...
An eternal legend...
Because I am my beloved...
A proud Iraqi today.
My heart knows no submission
And I will never submit in submission.
Centuries and times pass by me...
And I do not close my eyes
And the nectar of struggle does not flow with them.
From between the ribs...
The springs of enthusiasm and pride explode.
And a new revolution is born...
To liberate the homeland. beloved
I learned to be fertile...
In a time of sterility and tears.
My son is assassinated by one of my sons...
Injustice disappears from all my beloved
I remain proud
I give birth to hundreds to be candles for me...
On the path of jihad.
And I cannot, my beloved
In the tents of mourning
I miss my tears of remorse
Maybe they will extinguish my sadness
For tears have become
The complements of existence.
After I was displaced...
They became the joy of my eyes.
And burned the soul.
My honorable sons
They are assassinated in front of me
And I have nothing but silence...!!!
And praying to the Lord of the heavens.
Every day I carry a child...
And sprinkle perfume on his body
And throw him into the flood
Maybe he will calm down
But he rages more
And swallows all the loved ones.
The corpses of sons have multiplied around me...!!!
And helplessness never surrounds me.
Or the death of conscience.
And the deals of the peoples.
That tied my hands.
And violated my honor...!!!
And made me live in graves...!!!
And stole my treasures...
And made all the forbidden things permissible.
But I just wonder!!!
Did all the honorable people die???
I grieve for my loved ones
Have they become extinct???
Or has loyalty become
in the time of alienation
like a loyal friend
and my existence like a phoenix???!!!.
I grieve for a time...
in which lies and deception prevail.!!!
I grieve for hearts...
that know nothing but cheating
and deception...!!!
and falsifying history
and stealing glories
and trading in all lineages.
With such people
there is no refuge except to the Lord of the heavens.
Be well and in love.
Cleopatra is beloved by the nation.
Shahrazad of poetry, novels and stories
Cleopatra, beloved of the nation
The orange silver moon
Goddess of the four letters
Goddess of the alphabet and insight
Goddess of the twenty-fifth hour
A diamond of Light mountain
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