قصيد لم يقله المتنبى
تحرير الشام
عا فلسطين (أغنية)
القلب في الخيام
يا أهل غزة ..
عباس عاشق حساس
فصيح("وطني شُعَيل")
طيور الظلام
حق Leftist political thinker Prof. Mariam AlSayegh: Iran, the civilization of agricultural &pastoral villages, is the cause of the Palestinian-Lebanese catastrophe & hostility to the Arab Spring
مولد Women's Representative Prof. Mariam AlSayegh: Celebrating Our Lady of Women between the deliberate impoverishment & humiliation of peoples.& the practices of ignorance, discrimination &oppression of women & minorities
العنقاء Professor Mariam AlSayegh The goddess of poetry and magic The phoenix of Iraq The time of hiding
حكايا Novelist, poet, Prof. Mariam Al-Sayegh, media expert, etiquette professor, rights activist & women's representative: Cookie Tales: Stifled Voices + Repressed Consciences = Democracy
حق Human Rights Activist to Prevent Human Trafficking Women's Representative Professor Mariam Al-Sayegh: The Status Quo Law and Restrictions on Dreams of Exercising Political Freedoms
الصايغ Human Rights Activist to Prevent Human Trafficking Prof. Mariam AlSayegh : Human trafficking is the most popular commodity in the world of business