What if we woke up one morning to find the sun humiliated, dim,
withered and sick...!!!
Then we turned on the fake, invented lights and found it even sicker
and withered...
And when evening came, the earth and sky were covered in pitch darkness...
The moon disappeared and the silver stars fled after darkness conquered
and dominated them...Darkness pervaded all life...
And the features of the planet and the civilization that we boasted
about and their atomic bombs that they developed disappeared!!!
The dark scenario that I am now beginning to draw its threads is
not just imagination but a reality that is gradually happening
every day and we do not feel it...!!!
The universe is gradually dying and this dying has multiple scenarios
that the earth will witness.
Scientists have talked about it a lot, but only God knows it and it will happen
when God wills.
But there is another scenario that also happens every day
where millions of glowing torches wither...
It is the hateful scenario that daily oppresses the torches that light the way
and deprives them of the rights of creativity, expression and life...!!!
* Better... My friend, the president of the association...
A glowing flame conquers the impossible every day, paying from his daily bread,
his life and his future...
He travels to international conferences to put his small city on the world map...
He wanders here and there to announce his homeland Algeria...
And about the suffering of young people who want to change the painful conditions
that the country is exposed to... And his country's agencies watch his achievements silently!!!.
Or perhaps they are waiting for the glow inside him to run out
and his strength to weaken and his daily bread to turn like others and become a fading flame...!!!
But despite the harshness of the circumstances, he is a glowing flame
and the challenges make him even more blazing.
* Riyad, my colleague, a journalist from Yemen - Al-Saeed -!!!
He refuses to submit and appease the authorities, falsification and deception
He refuses to sit in the seat of those who chant or the reserve seat,
but rather he roams and roams for the sake of freedom, equality and justice
And he endures threats, intimidation and deprivation of status... A flame that is not afraid of fading, but woe to me from the many pressures.
* Abdelhak and colleagues from Morocco... a torch yearning to spread light...
they write and publish their writings for free
To urge people to read to learn and know their rights, but no one answers!!!
Ironically, their country did not give them a stamped paper proving their identity as writers, so they were deprived of the right to recognition and existence!!!
That is why some of them refuse to obtain a passport
that carries a job other than that of a writer, and they suppress themselves inside Morocco, fighting all their oppressors with words.
But I fear that their bitterness will increase and their hatred for the oppressors
will increase, so they become like Don Quixote and fight windmills
And the efforts of the torches will be lost in the air,
or despair will take hold of their hearts, so they will turn into saboteurs.
* Diala is a Syrian singer with a wonderful voice and good morals...
she withered and took refuge in her home, preferring to starve with her dignity...
than to practice public prostitution on porn clip channels... she rejected all offers,
and the torch withered of her own free will!!!
But I never felt that it withered as everyone imagined,
but it apparently disappeared from the point of view of its fighters...
But it was not defeated as Ernest Hemingway said: You can break a man,
not defeat him. !!!
* Sanaa was a girl who was a talented flame who sought to shine one day,
dreamed of becoming an actress, and her beauty and bad luck led her to the field of advertising!!!
And day after day she was descending from one hotbed of corruption to another until the flame withered and was extinguished, and here her enemy did not defeat her, but rather her own desires and ambitions defeated her.
* Hisham was a creative student at the Faculty of Media, then he obtained a master's degree and worked for a national newspaper for several years, and he did not receive a monetary reward from the newspaper, hoping for an appointment!!!
To obtain the recognition of the Journalists Syndicate and society, but the newspaper did not appoint him.
In fact, the newspaper and the Journalists Syndicate allied before the State Council and lied about his affiliation with journalism, despite the proof of that with his academic certificates and published writings...!!!
But when his flame began to fade!!! The opportunity came for him to immigrate and there he became brilliant and the owner of a sharp pen with which he attacked his homeland and expressed the bitterness of hatred.
And Hisham lost himself even if he thought one day that he had gained it.
* Amr is a group of talents in the absence of financial resources ...
He is a director and a screenwriter who holds a specialized diploma in directing from a media academy - he thought that it would recognize him and his international certificate!!!
- An ambitious, talented young man, a glowing flame of ideas, but he is not good at the art of flattery and red evening parties in the morning. His talent and studies
Are not enough qualifications for him to become a member of the Cinema Syndicate, nor are they enough for him to become a student training with one of the genius directors who do not have his certificates, ideas, or artistic vision ...
This flame fades every day ...!!!- I fear for you, Amr, from your intense sadness - . !!!
* The examples I mentioned are not the only ones, there are millions of others in all countries and fields...
* There is the doctor who killed all the noble feelings inside him when he found his colleague, the son of a businessman, the fifth in the batch, teaching assistant, while he was the first in the batch, unemployed and unable to find work!!!
And not only that, but the son of the nobles does not choose from among the girls of the world anyone but the fiancée of his injured colleague to marry!!!
So darkness prevails in the heart of this doctor and rabies afflicts him...so he only seeks to collect money
and forgets all the meanings of mercy and trades in organs and violates the ethics of the profession and spreads corruption on earth.
* And there is the girl who has nothing in life except that she is the daughter of a famous actress, so parties are held for her and she is made a brilliant broadcaster with the rank of a famous clown!!!
And another who has nothing but a body that she displays in a nude auction,
so she finds someone who establishes channels and newspapers for her to spread her poison in space - and how lucky is he who has a back to lean on for his maneuvers - .
* And there is the veteran broadcaster who found among the great generation those who supported and helped her...
But when she sat on the presidential chair, she occupied
all the channels and all the programs and was jealous of all the successful ones and eliminated them. Her first decision was to rule my demise - hahahahaha if the chair had not lasted for anyone else, it would not have reached you, my absent-minded lady - ...
* And there is the security agent who is founded by a newspaper or party or is used to create sectarian strife or as a guide who monitors an intellectual or religious group...
He believes that he owns the souls of the servants and can do with them whatever he wants... But one day the punishment of heaven comes to him and the plots turn against him
- Our Lord is great, uncle Hajj - .!!!
I wonder at you, our dear planet, where will we go again???!!!
* And I am sad about an honest employee who refuses bribery and refuses
to disobey God and ends up with a dishonorable charge...!!!
Or an employee who reveals a gang smuggling antiquities from his country and reports the names of antiquities, drug and arms dealers!!!
They are among those with authority and power, so the senior policeman covers up the scandal and fires him, and on his way back he is the victim of an accident whose perpetrator is unknown in broad daylight....!!!
Oh my dear, the examples are many and sad...
For this, excuse me, I have become a person who is not surprised. Yes,
I have lost my surprise. I am not surprised by news or accidents...
When frustration, hunger, lack of appreciation and deprivation of the simplest rights prevail...the right to expression...the right to exist...
And when human rights institutions turn into institutions of looting, plunder, social prestige, slogans and business parties...what will remain?...
And what? Will the new generations learn...and how will they carry the torch???
Who will lead the march of change while the flame is smoking... It needs someone to protect it and help it ignite again. !!!
But my dears, I apologize for all the frustration that my article caused and I want to give you good news...
Many young people... and youth organizations around the world...
write to me and deal with my organization,
the Arab Creativity Development Foundation...
From the sect of glowing torches who work with the oppressed, the displaced, the immigrants, the families of prisoners and fighters...
They work with them with love, their blood, and their limited financial capabilities. Rather, they give them their daily sustenance and their personal future...!!!
They write to me to reassure me that they are blowing on the smoking wick
so that it does not go out.
So pray with me that the different regimes around the world feel the efforts of the glowing torches and help them.
And the societies of prestige and the elite who trade in slogans
and are immersed in business and deals move and extend a helping hand to everyone in need...!!!
Pray with me and light the candles of hope within us so that the institutions of the world may remember that wretched creature called man, who obtains his rights
and injustice is removed from him...
So that the smoking wick is not extinguished in a time of weakness
that is met with tyranny.
Now raise your voice with me loudly to say with all strength...
O systems of the world, save the glowing flame before it fades,
for it is fading and disappearing. Be well and in love.
Cleopatra is beloved by the nation.
Shahrazad of poetry, novels and stories
Cleopatra, beloved of the nation
The orange silver moon
Goddess of the four letters
Goddess of the alphabet and insight
Goddess of the twenty-fifth hour
A diamond of Light mountain.
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