In the midst of this transitional phase that we are going through
and the difficult challenges that we are living,
and our dreams are shackled by chaos, instability, anxiety and pessimism...
The law of the practice of political freedoms came out to slap us a sure slap
to defeat the dialogue between the active political forces as a civil society
and between the legislative and executive authorities, in light of the imposition of forced submission to the law of the status quo!!!
The surprises of the military council to us through decisions and laws,
and military trials...
make us live in a state of confusion and strange turmoil.
At a time when we are filled with feelings of reassurance due to signs of a resolution to the crisis,
we wake up to a new blow that returns us to the stage of despair...
due to the ambiguity of security, political, economic and social issues in the near future before the distant future!!!
So we have become afraid for our security before we think about our rights
and holding all the corrupt people around us accountable...
We are no longer concerned with how to prepare a specific timetable to restructure the system to move towards the parliamentary democracy that we dreamed of!!!
As much as we are concerned with how to pass safely from the stage of bullying and security deterioration to save the country from the elaborate plans to destroy and fragment it?!
And suddenly, rather, without our noticing, while we are in the midst of the escalation of fabricated conflicts and without a real community dialogue...
A law is issued to us to exercise political rights!!!
And once you review the articles of the law, I promise you that you will be afflicted with the same state that preceded you...
That is, a state of astonishment and inability to concentrate...
And the text may bring you back to the feeling of regret mixed with bitterness that you previously felt when you, like me, voted no on patching up the constitution...
The result was yes!!!...
So everything inside you cried out with the falsehood of falsehoods,
everything is false and there is no benefit to be expected from everything that happened!!!
But believe me, there is a big difference between patching up the constitution,
which we are all certain will be changed in its entirety in the near future...
And between detailing a law for practicing political freedoms
that was prepared after the revolution!!!
And according to its articles, a new authority will be elected that will rule with the voice of the people, on behalf of the people, and with the mandate of the people!!!
So how can we pass a law like the one that was issued in the absence of
everyone on a pitch-black, humid Thursday evening without presenting it to the active political forces
And discussing it to show the weaknesses and address them so
that we can come out with a law that expresses the Egypt that has always been on our minds???
But for it to come out to us while we are in the depths of problems
and trying to spread division among the one Egyptian people and ignite sedition!!!
It is natural that it comes with many loopholes, including...
* Its failure to express all the demands of the national forces, which were represented in three legitimate rights...
* The right to vote with the national number - The right to vote for Egyptians abroad - Approving the right to vote with the proportional list.
But the text of the law was disappointing to all hopes, as it did not include an explicit text stipulating the legitimate demands of the people.
But thank God that it approved the right to vote with the national number, but...
More than eight million Egyptian citizens residing abroad, who contribute to the national income and are overwhelmed with nostalgia and melted by love for Egypt, were deprived!!!
On the pretext that the law stipulates judicial supervision of voting?!
A pretext that may have been good in a bygone era...
But in fact, it is an argument that no child of the revolution era would believe now!!!
For those who do not want to be creative or work their mind to reach simple,
inexpensive solutions, here is a suggestion...
Egypt has embassies and consulates with diplomats of a high degree of honor, integrity, and citizenship. It will be an honor for them to carry out this sacred duty
Towards the homeland to which they belong, represent,
and speak on its behalf before the world...
This will also be without additional costs or burdens.
All they need to do their national role are some controls and powers
That must be put in place to ensure the integrity of the process.
The practice law came out to us without including an explicit text on how to elect and whether it will be done according to the proportional list or the individual method...
But it carried within it implicit texts on conducting the election according to the individual method, which brings us back to the previous election method
and the illegal practices that were practiced for decades past...and the control of capital, fraud and tribalism over the foundations of sound parliamentary selection!!!
It also did not specify a ceiling for the amounts that should be spent on the election campaign and did not set a maximum limit for spending on elections
It did not set clear controls for the use of money in elections.
It also did not prohibit or criminalize the use of religion in politics or raising religious slogans, which allows the possibility of religious movements using religion as a profitable means of pressure
on the religious and simple people to win elections!!!
The law came with a good amendment, but it also needs more amendments. It prevented the Interior Ministry from interfering in the electoral process. It formed two committees, the first headed by the president - who will be elected - and another committee headed by the head of the Cairo Court of Appeal. The committee was devoid of representation of trusted public figures, and we do not know the reason. Was the public figures the reason for the rigging of the previous elections? Therefore, in the purge, they were dispensed with, or were there other goals for that???!!! The Supreme Committee was also formed from the two most senior deputies from the Court of Cassation and the two most senior deputies from the State Council and the Courts of Appeal. That is, the members of the committee are not permanent or appointed for a formal purpose. They form the committee only for the period of their tenure, meaning that they will do their work for a specific period of time. This is the period of their tenure in the aforementioned positions only, and they will also practice the work of the committee in a manner that does not conflict with the performance of their official duties. In fact, this is random. Any disorganized formation must be carefully reviewed to achieve the desired goal...
For the committee to be able to provide full judicial supervision to achieve true integrity. Now that I have analyzed with you through quick points the loopholes in the law on the exercise of freedoms... I think that you, like me, are tired of patching up the texts of the laws!!! And you want new laws that come from
From society and express it and its needs
Therefore, a new constitution must be put in place for the country
and a new law must be made for the People's Assembly and Shura Council elections with the participation of the forces of society
And all the articles and texts must be presented for a national dialogue aimed
at producing a constitution and laws that express our real needs without patchwork
Or detailing or hidden loopholes that allow new opportunities for corruption to enter our political life.
And at the end of my article ... A sincere word ...
If we want the elections to be fair and real ...
Our word and conscience must come together
and our will must be united to achieve this for the benefit of the whole society.
Be well and in love.
Cleopatra is beloved by the nation.
Shahrazad of poetry, novels and stories
Cleopatra, beloved of the nation
The orange silver moon
Goddess of the four letters
Goddess of the alphabet and insight
Goddess of the twenty-fifth hour
A diamond of Light mountain
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